
序号 录入时间 录入人 备注
1 2015-04-09 Alfred Jiang -
2 2015-12-23 Alfred Jiang -


JSON - 使用 JSONHelper 进行 JSON 数据解析


JSON \ JSONHelper \ 解析 \ 网络返回数据


  1. 解析由网络返回的 JSON 格式数据


  1. GitHub - JSONHelper


1. 将 JSONHelper.swift 文件加入工程
2. 自定义的解析数据模型需要实现 Deserializable 协议
  1. 示例一 ```swift //定义 internal struct Movie: Deserializable { var name: String? // You can also use let instead of var if you want. var releaseDate: NSDate?

    init(data: [String: AnyObject]) { name <-- data["name"] releaseDate <-- (data["release_date"], "yyyy-MM-dd") // Refer to the next section for more info. } }

//使用 AFHTTPRequestOperationManager().GET( "http://yoursite.com/movies/" parameters: nil, success: { operation, data in var movies: [Movie]? movies <-- data["movies"]

if let movies = movies {
  // Response contained a movies array, and we deserialized it. Do what you want here.
} else {
  // Server gave us a response but there was no "movies" key in it, so the movies variable
  // is equal to nil. Do some error handling here.

}, failure: { operation, error in // Handle error. })

2. 示例二
//  User.swift
//  REX
//  Created by Alfred Jiang on 3/19/15.
//  Copyright (c) 2015 REX. All rights reserved.

import UIKit

var _currentUser: User?
var currentUserKey = "currentUser"
var userDidLoginNotification = "userDidLoginNotification"
var userDidLogoutNotification = "userDidLogoutNotification"

internal struct SideStandardProfileRequest: Deserializable {
    var url: String = ""

    init(data: [String: AnyObject]) {
        url <-- data["url"]

internal struct Country: Deserializable {
    var code: String = ""

    init(data: [String: AnyObject]) {
        code <-- data["code"]

internal struct Location: Deserializable {
    var country: Country?
    var name: String = ""

    init(data: [String: AnyObject]) {
        name <-- data["name"]
        country <-- data["country"]

class User : NSObject , Deserializable{
    var id: String!
    var firstName: String?
    var lastName: String?
    var headline: String?
    var profileImageUrl: String?
    var email: String?
    var industry: String?
    var countryCode : String?
    var locationAddress : String?
    var siteStandardProfileRequest: String?

    var data: NSDictionary?

    required init(data: [String: AnyObject])
        self.data = data
        id <-- data["id"]
        firstName <-- data["firstName"]
        lastName <-- data["lastName"]
        headline <-- data["headline"]
        profileImageUrl <-- data["pictureUrl"]
        email <-- data["emailAddress"]
        industry <-- data["industry"]

        var aLocation: Location?
        aLocation <-- data["location"]
        countryCode = aLocation?.country?.code
        locationAddress = aLocation?.name

        var aSiteStandardProfileRequest : SideStandardProfileRequest?
        aSiteStandardProfileRequest <-- data["siteStandardProfileRequest"]

        siteStandardProfileRequest = aSiteStandardProfileRequest?.url

    class var currentUser: User? {
        get {
        if (_currentUser == nil) {
        var data = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey(currentUserKey) as? NSData
        if (data != nil) {
        var dict = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: nil, error: nil) as NSDictionary
        _currentUser  <-- dict
        return _currentUser
        set(user) {
            _currentUser = user

            if (_currentUser != nil) {
                var data = NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(user!.data!, options: nil, error: nil)
                NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(data, forKey: currentUserKey)
            } else {
                NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(nil, forKey: currentUserKey)


"{\"userID\":\"10001\",\"userName\":\"10001\",\"firstName\":\"4\",\"lastName\":\"4\",\"displayName\":null,\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"password\":\"4\",\"address\":\"4\",\"headline\":null,\"profileImageUrl\":null,\"industry\":null,\"countryCode\":null,\"siteStandardProfileRequest\":null,\"roleId\":\"4\"}"


    func toJSONDict() -> NSDictionary
        let aDict : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()

        if let id = self.id {
            aDict.setValue(id, forKey: "userName1")

        if let firstName = self.firstName {
            aDict.setValue(firstName, forKey: "firstName")

        if let lastName = self.lastName {
            aDict.setValue(lastName, forKey: "lastName")

        if let headline = self.headline {
            aDict.setValue(headline, forKey: "headline")

        if let profileImageUrl = self.profileImageUrl {
            aDict.setValue(profileImageUrl, forKey: "profileImageUrl")

        if let email = self.email {
            aDict.setValue(email, forKey: "email")

        if let industry = self.industry {
            aDict.setValue(industry, forKey: "industry")

        if let countryCode = self.countryCode {
            aDict.setValue(countryCode, forKey: "countryCode")

        if let locationAddress = self.locationAddress {
            aDict.setValue(locationAddress, forKey: "address")

        if let siteStandardProfileRequest = self.siteStandardProfileRequest {
            aDict.setValue(siteStandardProfileRequest, forKey: "siteStandardProfileRequest")

        return aDict
3. 更多详细用法参考 GitHub - JSONHelper




  1. 遵循 Deserializable 协议的属性应该是option类型

results matching ""

    No results matching ""