
序号 录入时间 录入人 备注
1 2015-03-04 Alfred Jiang -
2 2015-12-22 Alfred Jiang -


动画 - Core Animation 之 Key Path


动画 \ Core Animation \ CAAnimation \ CALayer


  1. CAAnimation 、 CALayer 实现动画需求时 setValue:forKeyPath: 和 valueForKeyPath: 支持的 Key Path 速查


  1. Apple documentation - Core Animation Programming Guide
  2. 简书 - 干货系列之手把手教你使用Core animation 做动画 (推荐)
  3. 《核心动画编程指南》


表 1 支持的 Key Path 类型

C type Wrapping class
CGPoint NSValue
CGSize NSValue
CGRect NSValue
CATransform3D NSValue
CGAffineTransform NSAffineTransform (OS X only)

表 2 CATransform3D key paths

Field Key Path Description
rotation.x The rotation, in radians, in the x axis.
rotation.y The rotation, in radians, in the y axis.
rotation.z The rotation, in radians, in the z axis.
rotation The rotation, in radians, in the z axis. This is identical to setting the rotation.z field.
scale.x Scale factor for the x axis.
scale.y Scale factor for the y axis.
scale.z Scale factor for the z axis.
scale Average of all three scale factors.
translation.x Translate in the x axis.
translation.y Translate in the y axis.
translation.z Translate in the z axis.
translation Translate in the x and y axis. Value is an NSSize or CGSize.
    [myLayer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:10.0] forKeyPath:@"transform.translation.x"];

表 3 CGPoint Key Paths

Structure Field Description
x The x component of the point.
y The y component of the point.

表 4 CGSize Key Paths

Structure Field Description
width The width component of the size.
height The height component of the size.

表 5 CGRect Key Paths

Structure Field Description
origin The origin of the rectangle as a CGPoint.
origin.x The x component of the rectangle origin.
origin.y The y component of the rectangle origin.
size The size of the rectangle as a CGSize.
size.width The width component of the rectangle size.
size.height The height component of the rectangle size.




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